In today's society there are many crisis's however the most overlooked crisis is the issue of obesity in the U.S. This important issue was discussed in the movie
"Fed Up"; which talked about how the food companies and media is tricking people into a life of obesity. They do this through offering "low fat" food options that make it seem as though they are healthier but really they aren't. When food companies take the fat out of food the foods taste terrible, and that won't sell, so the companies add double the amount of sugar that are in normal products. The media today makes it seem as though the people are the problem, that it's because people aren't active enough that they are getting fat. That's not true though people can exercise all the time but won't lose any weight unless they eliminate sugar from their diets.
When someone eats sugar their liver is put into over drive and so their blood sugar level will rise. To compensate for this the pancreas will begin producing insulin which turns sugar into fat. After going through this process they will experience feelings of being tiered, weighed down, and hungry. The World Health Organization tried to address the over abundance of sugar however all the food industries forced them to remove it and the new recommendation that was reported was double the initial suggested amount.
There are many things people can do to improve their diet. The first thing to do would be to get rid of all processed foods. In
"Fed Up" they challenge people to take a 10day sugar free challenge. All processed foods like granola bars and gummys have tons of sugar that people are not aware of. Swapping out the drinks that people consume greatly effects their diet. Juices and sodas have high amounts of sugar and should be swapped out for water or other nutritional drinks. Sugar is important in someones diet however they should be natural sugars. Natural sugars can be found in fruits and other healthy options. We have the power to change the way our society functions by making the switch to a healthier diet.