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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fitness Routine

One of my favorite activities to do that help me maintain a healthy weight is run 5k runs. Most 5k runs are in support of a good cause so not only am I able to support a great cause but also I am able to get a great workout. Running is a great exercise for people to do because "a body in motion stays in motion". Another great thing about 5k races is that because they are almost always in support of a cause the range of skill varies greatly. Not everyone at the race trains and expects to win, some people show up to support the cause and end up walking the whole thing. These races are a great place for people to begin/start running. They can get helpful tips fro other people and create friendships with someone who also wants to live a healthier lifestyle as well. Another great thing about running is that there is barley any equipment needed; the only necessity in running is having a good pair of shoes. It isa important to stay hydrated before and after running so a waterbottle is also helpful, there are also clothes that can be purchased for people to wear depending on the weather. For me I usually run at least 3 times a week in the spring and summer and take the winter off. Even if there are no schedualed 5ks you can still run on your own to stay in shape and better your race time. No matter whar running 5ks ae a lot of fun and a great way to stay healthy and fit.

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