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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Almond & Coconut Kind Bar

I have recently been snacking on Kind Bars, my favorite currently is the Almond Coconut bar. It tastes great and is also a hunger crushing and tasty snack. Though this bar has some negative nutritional facts there are also necessary things. The best time to eat this bar would be before participating in any physical activity, so that the high amount of calories and fat (190g and 12g) can be made into energy and used rather then stored in the body. The main ingredients of this delicious snack are almonds, coconut, and soy; all of which are great compared to other products. This product also provides a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. Overall I would recommend this snack to anyone who is active and looking for something tasty and filling to eat during the day, however the best part about this snack is that its gluten free!

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